Christian Travelers Guide: The Christian Travel Planner
Trade Paper
By Kevin J. Wright
The Christian Travel Planner will enable you to plan and prepare for memorable and life-changing experiences.
Discussing a multitude of trips, from Holy Land and European pilgrimage tours to mission trips and conference cruises, this book is accessible and user-friendly. Other vacations include fellowship vacations, camps, conventions, adventure vacations, and monastic guest-stays. Complete with stories, must-see descriptions, and website and travel reference information, this planner can also be used as a companion guide while traveling or simply from the comfort of your home, as you explore Christianity's famous sites via the computer. Learn how to begin or enrich a Christian travel ministry at your church, faith community, or organization. The Christian Travel Planner introduces readers to the world of faith-based travel and identifies the plethora of opportunities available to Christians planning a vacation.