Coming this February 2008
The Christian Travel Planner will enable you to plan and prepare for memorable and life-changing experiences.
Discussing a multitude of trips, from Holy Land and European pilgrimage tours to mission trips and conference cruises, this book is accessible and user-friendly. Other vacations include family vacations, camps, conventions, adventure vacations, and monastic guest-stays. Complete with stories, must-see descriptions, and website and travel reference information, this planner can also be used as a companion guide while traveling or simply from the comfort of your home, as you explore Christianity's famous sites via the computer. The Christian Travel Planner introduces readers to the world of faith-based travel and identifies the plethora of opportunities available to Christians planning a vacation.
For more information about the The Christian Travel Planner, click here.
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (February 5, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1401603742
ISBN-13: 978-1401603748